OK guys ----
Sniping over.... I dont care about past conversations or other threads. What I do care about is this. This is really and I mean this truthfully the first time I have been screened on a play at 2nd in 10 years at least. One of the things that I have done over the last few years is rather than moving down the 1st base side I get further toward 3b side giving me a better angle at both bases. I saw the pitcher moving and also noted a closer play was at hand so I went on 1b side instead, just so I could avoid a potential screen.
Anyway, when you all work one man and that is all that I typically get to do, where do you prefer to call a potential DP. I am again doing SP mens B,C,D ball primarily. So this isnt a sitch where I have 12 year old girls trotting to 1st.
By the way, I do apprectiate some of the insights on mechanics I have seen in other threads. I have been doing this umpire thing since 87. All of it has been USSSA SP. Took a bit of time off, but I love doing it.