Thread: Mechanics
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Old Wed Jul 05, 2006, 09:33am
pdxblue pdxblue is offline
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Posts: 164
Originally Posted by Tim C
" . . . swinging caught third strike: point to left, followed by hammer out signal and verbalize 'out' . . ."

I cannot say that I have ever, or would ever, verbalize "out" on a swinging strike three.

Your mileage may very.

It was bound to happen that we would agree on something!

I say "strike.......... three". Mik Hendrickson, ex pro umpire, and current PAC-10 umpire who does the training in our local college association tries to get guys to NOT even say "strike three", but rather just "strike", but to use a different mechanic for strike three.

fonz, there are already some good descriptives on how to do the mechanic, so I don't need to offer any more on that. What I will add is that you should really practice in front of a mirror. Look to make your signals crisp, smooth, athletic, and authorative. I give this advice to umpires that I mentor, and you can tell the difference between the guys that actually do this and the ones that don't. The ones that don't usually have sloppy looking mechanics, and are usually too "laid back", and don't look very authorative.

You need to watch other umpires do this, and figure out which style YOU want to try. But, be willing to try the one that looks best on YOU. There is nothing worse than an umpire that could look great doing a hammer, but goes out to the side, and vice versa. Generally speaking (and this is really just the way I see it....nothing more), I think shorter/stockier umpires look best doing the hammer, while taller/lankier umpire look better going out to the side. This sort of coincides with stance too though. Taller guys generally NEED to work out of the scissors, and certainly, if you work out of the scissors, you will always look better calling a strike pointing out to the side. Shorter guys generally work in the box stance, and I really think the "hammer" looks best out of the box stance.

Be willing to try both ways. Be honest with yourself on how each looks, and also get some opinions from other umpires who you respect the opinions of (and trust me, you SHOULD NOT TRUST the opinion of every umpire!!!).

Good luck.
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