Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
If it walks like, talks like, posts like, it probably is 
Mike, youre a knowledgeable guy.. but really are too easily offended when someone is willing to call you out when you are easily shown to be incorrect..
Better would be to admit when youre wrong and learn from it as I do.
Like today for example, which obviously has your undies bunched.
Maybe you could explain HOW ON EARTH you believe the proper mechanic on a infield liner possible trap/catch with runners frozen, is for the PU to sit there like the umpire in the candy commercial and make no call.. then defer to the BU, as an after thought, after the runners leave due to the non call..
I for one would love to hear it.
I suppose when one puts stuff out like that that most on the boards accept from you without question, when another umpire who can read is willing to have independent thought and say "BS" .. it can be rather irritating...
Easier to label them a troll than try to support the unsupportable position.