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The hazards of One-Man
Well last week I got myself stuck not by something that I did, but by something the pitcher did after the ball was hit. Again SP, one man system. R1 on 1B, 1 out. Batter hits ball to SS, I anticipate that we will have a close play with a good turn so I get position 1B side of rubber 2/3 the way up the line.
Well the SS makes a slight boot gets it and flips to 2nd for what will be a close play now, and the pitcher was heading toward 2nd base for some unknown reason and is now between me and the play. 2B gets ball I cant see the play, so I give a safe signal, 2b throws to 1B and I ring the out. Coach says "Why did you call safe at 2nd?" My response "Coach, your pitcher screened me. I can not call an out that I didnt see." Coach says "You dont have to call a safe do you?" Me again: "I cant call an out I dont see" Coach: "Well get out there for the play next time" Me: I just walked back to the plate thinking, why was your pitcher going to 2B in the first place. Sometimes it just doesnt matter that you hustle and get to where you should be, the variables sometimes just cant be figured in.......... ACK |
I have no problem with your call. Nor do I have a problem telling the coach HIS player caused the problem.
I also have no problem asking the coach what year he attended the state umpiring school if they have the balls to question my positioning ![]()
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball. |
Officiating takes more than OJT. It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be. |
Hmm .. well we've had the round of kudos and back slaps.. so whats to be learned or discussed here?
We all blow em sometimes.. and when that happens, kudo's are nice - but thats not a good learning tool.. better to beat yourself up a little and try to learn from it IMO.. So.. what we have in REALITY is a play where EVERYONE saw the out but you... you in fact did blow a call and robbed the Def of a double play by blaming a fielder for "screening you" (even if true) - so where do we go from here? A closer trail of the runner, as opposed to the angle into the field - perhaps? Recognizing the pitcher is moving earlier than you did so either stop moving or side step to be able to see the play enough to make the easy call at 2b.. On a double play my main concern is 1B - I get to where im at least in good enough spot to give a close vicinity at 2b but best possible position for the 1b call. I'm not thrashing you, cuz i'm sure we've all been there - but you posted the situation so a better discussion other than "great job at blowing that one" could be had.
Let it go man, grudges can really weigh on you. Each post is a "new game". Dont worry mike, I'm still impressed you were able to rise through the ranks of 12 umpires in your little state AND recommend yourself to enough SP nationals to get elite status.. lets bury the hatchet and be friends please ![]()
![]() Gimme a break scott. I may not tow the line, which is why I can be right and stick to my guns when the "best" are saying something different, or follow certain "prestigious" posters around like their the 2nd coming of umpiring.. but I'm certainly no troll.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball. |
Mike, youre a knowledgeable guy.. but really are too easily offended when someone is willing to call you out when you are easily shown to be incorrect.. Better would be to admit when youre wrong and learn from it as I do. Like today for example, which obviously has your undies bunched. Maybe you could explain HOW ON EARTH you believe the proper mechanic on a infield liner possible trap/catch with runners frozen, is for the PU to sit there like the umpire in the candy commercial and make no call.. then defer to the BU, as an after thought, after the runners leave due to the non call.. I for one would love to hear it. I suppose when one puts stuff out like that that most on the boards accept from you without question, when another umpire who can read is willing to have independent thought and say "BS" .. it can be rather irritating... Easier to label them a troll than try to support the unsupportable position.
"Yes almost 3 years on this board, more posts than you, a local UIC .. and I'm a troll"
Where are you a UIC....who CARES how many posts you have, and has the situation outlined ever happened to you? |
Are you spreading that special filter to other board members?
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball. |
Larry Ledbetter NFHS, NCAA, NAIA The best part about beating your head against the wall is it feels so good when you stop. |
---------------------- 2. Probably no one.. but pretending I'm some newbie troll is lame diversion when one can't support their positions. ----------------------- 3. I've had all kinds of crappy stuff happen like the above, especially in one man, which I've done plenty of. I dont recall an instance exactly like above.. but certainly WORSE.. the thing to do is discuss positioning or other things for next time IMO. I've blown many calls.. I try to learn from them, sometimes think about them for days - the above posted scenario is a blown call, plain and simple, the OP posted it because it bugged him, so better is to discuss how to fix it next time.. Off to work ![]()
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