Originally Posted by PWL
I am not trying to save face. I'm trying to have an open discussion on the rule. The only problem is that is has been railroaded by the likes of BigUmp56 and SanDiegoSteve with a little help from Coach JM.
You have not been trying to have an open discussion. If you had, we would have had an open discussion about how wrong you were, you would agree, and then you would shut up about it. Instead of doing this, and just admitting you were mistaken to begin with, you crack back on the two people that you have had it in for since day 1.
We have only corrected you in the past in hopes that you would learn and become a better official. You chose to overpersonalize our criticisms and lash out with personal attacks. Perhaps we were a bit heavyhanded and sarcastic in our original criticisms of you, but we take the same kind of remarks all the time when we have a gross misunderstanding of a rule or procedure.
Nobody "railroaded" anything. We just gave the correct interpretation to an ambigously written rule, and you have decided to make it your Waterloo.