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Old Tue Aug 22, 2000, 09:39am
SamNVa SamNVa is offline
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If I may be so bold as to critique the board.

The major problem I see with the board format is the flat format for displaying the message threads. For me it makes it difficult to follow the topics. Now perhaps there is a way to change this, but if there is I haven't found it.

Also, I don't see the speed improvement you are claiming. Loading speed on the internet depends on the primary host server speed as well as the throughput speed of the hubs through which the information must pass, so it may be that my route goes through a particularly busy hub since I'm in the D.C. area, but this board seems to load slower then the eteamz board for me anyway.

The last thing is that I don't see a dramatic advantage that this board offers that the others do not. The real proof of a board is value that it provides and that value resides in the posts. Once the quanity of the posts pickup, I'm sure the activity will pick up because based on the names of the posters that I've seen so far, I'm sure that the quality will be there.

Finally, back to my original thought. If you can get the replies in a threaded format (or tell me how to do it) I think it will dramatically improve the readibility and usability of the board.
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