Originally Posted by aceholleran
Now, is this over-the-head palaver an existing or archaic rule in slo-pitch? This is, obviously, only for my own edification.
Ace Holleran
There was, until recently, an inclusion in the "foul tip" definition that the ball must be "not higher than the batter's head". That meant that a ball higher than the batter's head could not be a foul tip, but wasn't intended to mean that a ball lower than the batter's head couldn't be a foul ball, caught for an out. This was for all versions of softball (fasy, slow, modified).
This past year, both NFHS and ASA have removed that language with the same explanation; it was unnecessary, and previously misinterpreted. Ball sharply and directly to the mitt; foul tip. Ball not directly to the mitt (has an arc, or mitt moves to the ball), caught foul ball.