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Old Tue Jun 27, 2006, 08:32am
ChuckElias ChuckElias is offline
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Originally Posted by IUgrad92
Are you saying now that players should take it upon themselves to teach players from the other team a lesson if they feel justified??
I've been away for a couple days, so I'm just catching up on this thread, but I honestly don't understand what's got your panties in such a wad, IU. Nobody's saying that players should take it upon themselves to teach somebody a lesson. Nobody. Who said that? Where did you see that? It's not anywhere in this thread. This is a terrible and unfortunate incident. And if the two young men have any character at all, or any caring adults in their lives, they will each learn some important lessons from it. I don't think anyone can argue with that. Do you disagree with that? Do you think that there is no lesson to be learned for either player?

The fact that there are important lessons to be drawn in no way justifies the actions of either player. No one here is saying, "It's a good thing that kid took it upon himself to kick the crap out of that troublemaker". As Rut said, the white kid just didn't realize who he was messing with and now both kids will have to face the consequences of the incident.

That kind of action/retaliation is way way way over the line.
And, as I already mentioned (you may recall), everybody here agrees with you. Everybody. Every single poster. Count 'em. Hands up if you think it wasn't over the line. Anyone? Anyone? Bueler? Bueler? Nope. We all agree with you. Now take a deep breath.

This was not a 'fight', as that takes two people.
I think the FED would disagree with you. As JR pointed out, an action that provokes a fight is a fight. It might be worth your while to listen to JR once in a while, when he's not being cranky.

I would guarantee that any NBA player that did this exact same thing would be fined thousands of dollars and suspended for a number of games. How do I know that? Because players have been suspended and fined for much less.
That's fascinating, but hardly relevant. The NBA operates in its own world, where players earn millions of dollars and fans pay $1,000 for a seat at a game. That doesn't relate at all to a HS game, unless David Stern has just become commissioner of that summer league.

Chuck, Just wanted to let you know that I've scanned this post 5 times for mis-spellings and/or using a word in the wrong context. I didn't find any, so rest easy. It sure has got to be a burden to be you, to have made thousands of posts and to have never made a typo or mis-used a word.
My spelling and grammar contributions to this board are generally made in a light-hearted manner and usually accompanied by a smilie of some sort. If you choose to respond in a different manner, that's your small-minded choice.

And second, this kid did not deserve to be taught a lesson in this fashion.
Oh, for the love of God, no freakin' kidding!!! Get over yourself. We all agree with this!!!!!!!

Depending on the severity of the exchange, I either stop play and give them the "your both being watched" lecture, or a double technical foul.
I guess you only scanned this one 4 times. Here's a smilie to let you know there's no hard feelings.

Now relax, would you please?
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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