Originally Posted by Mountaineer
I know I'll get ridiculed for this - but I call time every opportunity! If the play is stopped and in the circle and runners on bases - I kill it. I don't want anything happening at this point. If something goes on at that point it's gonna be a headache or someone is going to be put out. Just the way I was taught.
Questioned, maybe. Not ridiculed. (I don't know you well enough to ridicule you without it appearing to be a flame... hang around, it'll happen!

My question: Why do you consider an out for a player violating the LBR to be a headache? 1 down, 41 to go!
In the one-man game, it IS a PITA to deal with runners, LBR, etc. while returning behind the plate. I have generally been able to keep my eye on the field while returning to position, and don't call TIME. In the 2-man game, there is no reason at all to call TIME while returning to position.