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Old Mon Jun 26, 2006, 09:10pm
socalblue1 socalblue1 is offline
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Originally Posted by WhatWuzThatBlue
Actually, I have no axe to grind with you, B.L.

However, your barter is of little consequence to the matter at hand. The AMLU continues to mock and threaten the amateur umpire. I have been contacted by two (one was my former student) who worked as replacements. They have both been told that they are marked men. Since one still aspires to pro ball, he has much to worry about. He planned to reattend Evans in hopes of making it next Winter. He was warned that this would be a waste of his time and money by a couple of the guys who work as AMLU instructors there. That is my fight.
Would it be any different than say the construction industry? Union goes on strike & a group of handymen go in & work on the building until the strike is resolved.

What reception do you think one of them would have should they apply for the union training program six months later?

You guys were pawns, caught between greedy owners and a short-sighted union. Any way you look at it, no one is going to respect you come morning.
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