Here is what I heard
It may have just been mispoken or maybe I misheard
1st one pretty much agrees with what must of you are saying.
If the throw from fair territory brings F3 completly off of the bag in foul territory and the ball was caught on the fly the fielder may touch the orange side of the bag for the out
The other way I heard it was
If the fielder catches the ball in flight even in foul territory he must still come back to the white side. Only if the ball contacts the ground in foul territory is it then the fielder is able to make the out coming back to the orange side of the bag.
Now I will say I wasnt the only one that heard these statements and made a note of the difference and what we were told 2 other guys that had attended the same meetings caught this. Like I said it may have just been a slip up which we all have done but it is what I heard and I was not about to contridict either