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Old Wed Jun 21, 2006, 12:20pm
BayStateRef BayStateRef is offline
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Originally Posted by BigUmp56
I'll buy that. Now comes the big question. How long do you stand there and wait before you call the BR out? You'd have to stand there until the celebration stops and possibly all the way through the hand shake line up as he hasn't deserted until he enters the dugout. Man, what a $hit storm that's going to create.
Thanks. And this was exactly my predicament. I waited about 10 or 15 seconds, waiting to see if the batter would go into the dugout. He did not.

Here is what I did: I chickened out because my rules knowledge was not strong enough and allowed the winning run. I left the field, waited about three minutes and then came back and called the coach aside to tell him what happened. I told him that had the batter gone into the dugout, I would have called him out and not allowed the winning run. He understood....but I am not sure he would have been so understanding had I known all this information at the game and made the "correct" call.
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