Originally Posted by BktBallRef
The man turned to DeRosa, twice requested TO, signaled TO, and started walking toward his bench. How much more confirmation do you need?
Face it. Howard screwed up. That's why he gets to the opposite side of the lane and has that stupid look on his face like, "What'd I do?"
I'd bet a year's salary that you would have granted the TO, just as Joe did. It's real easy to get on a discussion board two days later and say "Joe should have done this," or "Joe should have done that."
Look, it is not a TO until the referee recognizes it. DeRosa did not have to recognize and grant it. Show where it says that just because a TO is called that it must be granted right then and there. He knows that in end of game situations, 99% of the time, a team will want a TO after the 2nd FT so that they can inbound the ball at half court. It is common sense, good game management to take the extra second or two to confirm the request prior to granting the TO.
DeRosa is an excellent official, that is why he works at such a high level. I just believe the situation could have been handled better and that there would not have been an issue that put the focus of a well played and officiated game on a TO with 1.9 seconds left in OT. The focus is not on Howard, it is on the officials and that is what will be taken away from this game.
By the way, I would take your bet. It is easy to sit in front of the TV and say this and that, but when that whole situation was developing, I really thought that the crew was going to handle it differently.