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Old Wed Jun 21, 2006, 10:14am
David B David B is offline
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Smile Appearance?

Originally Posted by ctblu40
I thought about that LMAN, I just didn't want to step on my partners toes or give the appearence that he couldn't handle himself on the field. That is defintley what I should've done though.


Well by allowing the coach to argue for 3-5 minutes on a judgement call, your BU already has given the appearance that he "can't" handle himself.

Hey its summer ball, help the young guy out. I would quicklly approach the situation and let the coach know that we are fixing to play ball.

Believe me, everyone in the stands already knows whats happening. So by being a good umpire we can help the young umpire.

If the coach wants to continue then now its with "me" and not my young partner.

We all were there one time (a beginner) and I learned the hard way but I sure did appreciate the times that my mentors got me "out of the frying pan".

Then after the game, I would talk with my young umpire on the proper way to handle the situtation etc.,
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