Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
See, right there is what I personally don't agree with. You said that it appears that was what Salvatore was trying to do. Jeffpea basically said the same thing. However, none of us really know what actually went on out on the court. The only people that know for sure are Crawford, DeRosa and Salvatore, and the crew chief- Crawford- said that they had no choice but to give out the TO at that time. Absent any concrete information, I personally have no reason to doubt what the officials are saying. Apparently others do. That's OK though because we're talking about "opinions" here, and everybody is certainly entitled to their own. You're entitled to disagree with mine just as much as I'm entitled to disagree with yours.
Also, jeffpea made a comment about DeRosa being a "rule book official", as opposed to being a "game management official". Here's my opinion on that, so feel free to slice'n'dice me too if you want.  When you hit the NBA Finals, you're looking at the twelve best officials in the NBA. Every single one of them is a "rule book official". Aamof, every official in the NBA is a "rule book official". The NBA will tolerate their officials missing a call or making a mistake in judgement. The NBA will not tolerate an official blowing or misapplying a rule during a game. My understanding is an NBA official will be suspended/fined immediately if they screw up a rule, and if they do it again they might be on the path to becoming history. All NBA officials are expected to know the rules perfectly from the git-go iow. From there, the officials get graded on other aspects, including game management. I think that it would be highly unlikely that an official would be graded highly enough to make the top twelve in the league and would not also have superior game management skills. Personally, I just can't envison Joe DeRosa or any other Finals' official being put in that spot without having excellent game management skills to go along with a good knowledge of the rules. Jmo.
JR, I respect what you are trying to say. I know that the NBA guys have an excellent understanding of the rule book and do a very good job of game management. I also think that these guys are trained in every aspect of late game situations, and the official could have done something else in this situation.
I know we had a discussion as to when to grant a TO not that long ago. As officials, it is not a TO until it is recognized and granted by the official, which is what the crew said happened. Fine, so be it. But this is where I think DeRosa could have asked for a confirmation as to the timing of the TO. A momentary delay to confirm would have kept the officials out of this crapstorm.
As far as the comments by the crew chief, I wouldn't expect him to say anything else. In my opinion, we are a crew, if one of us had an off night, we all had an off night and we will learn from our trials.