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Old Mon Jun 19, 2006, 09:14pm
TexBlue TexBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
What "rules committee"?

This may be some local yahoos, but it certainly wasn't the ASA "rules committee". The ASA Rules Committee is a group of voting council members, commissioners, player reps and an member of the NUS alike, assigned to such a committee for the National Convention. There sole responsibility is to discuss, approve, disapprove or defer to another committee a previously proposed rule and provide that recommendation to the council for consideration.

Only the NUS and/or Dir. of Umpires office can provide interpretations due to a miswording of a rule or a circumstance involving a rule that was not anticipated by the author(s) of a rule.
THAT was what I was hoping to hear. I couldn't believe the ruling changed and no one had talked about this at all. I have been really slow in getting my Case Book this year, so I couldn't research it myself.

Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
Sam, I think you missed the point of Mike's post. There is no such "Rules Committee" in ASA which generates rulings. Only the ASA Director of Umpires or the National Umpire Staff can make such interpretations.

Bottom line, whomever this "UIC from Keller" is pulled the entire topic and alleged ruling out of his a$$. No such official ruling exists.

I do believe you are right. This guy is supposed to be pretty sharp and schedules for several different parks.
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