Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
You obviously have not seen me call a third strike. No flash, just a call.
You are absolutely correct - I have never seen you call a third strike. I wasn't necessarily commenting on your third strike, just others in general.
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Just where in any previous posts did I "judge" anyone? Seems to me, I just noted my personal opinion and preference.
As an umpire and UIC, I do not get impressed with shoes and belts treated with this product. It's fine and dandy if you are marching in a parade or putting on a show for someone. As an umpire, it doesn't improve you performance and, if anything, only draws attention to you and that is not an umpire's purpose on the field.
And here:
Guess I just don't care for "flashy" in an umpire.
This may be your opinion but seemed judgemental to me. And perception is reality!
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Of course, appearance is important. No one in this thread said that it wasn't. And where did I ever bring into question an umpire's ability as it relates to their wardrobe? Apparently, your computer has a special filter which allows you to read hidden text that the rest of us do not see. 
Yes, you seem to think that YOUR view of appearance is absolute. You didn't say that an umpire's ability relates to their wardrobe - I was AGREEING with you. You must be a little sensative about this.
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
You note the ease of wiping these shoes clean, yet you go to the trouble and expense of having your pants dry cleaned?
Absolutely! I also do that in basketball. Your comparison of my pants and shoes is an apples/oranges comparison. I can clean my shoes very quickly and they shine like new. In order to accomplish this with my pants, I change them.
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
I have never had to take a pair of pants I wear on the field to the cleaners. Always just a wash away from looking new and never, never lost a permanent crease. Most pair last me 3-4 years of year-round wear.
BRAVO! I tend to loose my crease when I wash them myself. Occasionally I will throw them in the washer if I don't have time to go to the cleaners. I have some pants that are entering their 8th season and still look great. I don't understand why I'm a bad guy because I choose to dry-clean my pants. My pants, my money, my choice. Plus, I'm a lazy, divorced, SOB so that's less laundry I have to do!!!
I didn't mean to piss anyone off - hope I didn't!