Sat Jun 17, 2006, 09:32pm
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: South Bend, In.
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Originally Posted by Dave Hensley
No Little League publication that I'm aware of that addresses umpiring mechanics, including the Rules Instruction Manual, the Umpire Clinic Manual, or The Umpire in Little League booklet, teaches the FED delayed-dead signal. Little League rules are derived from OBR, verbatim for the most part, and their training manuals are parallel with professional training with respect to signaling and enforcing delayed dead situations (e.g., pointing and saying "That's obstruction" and then letting the play continue for type B obstruction).
If you're receiving contrary information at the local league or district level, that wouldn't be the first time that's happened, but your local instructors are "off the reservation" with respect to any official Little League instruction.
Personally it doesn't matter to me what mechanic is used to signal a delayed dead ball in a Little League game, or if any is used at all. However, the Central Region school was teaching the FED dead ball mechanic when I attended in the late 90's. To my knowledege this is still an accepted mechanic.