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Old Fri Jun 16, 2006, 09:59am
CecilOne CecilOne is offline
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Originally Posted by Dakota
Hawkeye, first of all, you cannot compare NFHS anything with general amateur rule books in matters dealing with USC and misbehavior. Generic amateur rule books (and their associated interpretation publications) deal with everything from little kids to adults. NFHS deals exclusively with school children. That difference is not just in matters of age; it is also in the school's role of in loco parentis. The NFHS softball rule book goes into more detail on USC and behavior issues than does the ASA rule book, but from what you are saying, still probably waaaaayyy less detail than the NFHS football book.

Having said all of that, two things... the frequency of grammatical, word usage, and syntax errors in ASA publications is a matter of somewhat regular discussion here. Hang around.

Second, the ASA rules interpretations publications (Case Book, POEs, clinic teaching material, umpire manual, etc.) are light years ahead of the NFHS Softball publications in terms of both detailed rulings and depth of situations covered. The NFHS POEs are particularly meager to the point of complete uselessness.
Also, as far as other sports go, there is much more close contact between players in BB and FB, also much more fan "contact"; so more detailed descriptions are needed. Sports like golf and tennis require less; and the descriptions for soccer ar much broader.
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
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