Fri Jan 04, 2002, 02:38pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2000
Posts: 2,217
Originally posted by williebfree
Originally posted by Hawks Coach
I guarantee you that I will speak to any player that I catch responding to the crowd rather than the game - it is as bad for them as it is for you. I want them to shut out the distractions and play ball, and I expect my referees to ignore the fans and ref, unless the conduct is so detrimental that they need to get someone out of there. In that case, I expect them to find cgame management, talk to the coaches, etc., handle the sitch and get back to reffing.
[Edited by Hawks Coach on Jan 4th, 2002 at 11:34 AM]
I agree with "Coach" here.... "Ignore-(non-particip)-ants is blissful"
BTW: Now marketing the invisible, sound-proofing curtian! ACT NOW, and I will throw in a new and improved "Fan Muzzler" at no extra charge.!
If you develop a fan muzzler or the soundproof curtain, please make sure that it also eliminates all "coaching" advice emanating from the bleacher seats. Supportive cheers will be accepted!