Originally Posted by gruberted
1. A kid during the inning calls timeout and crosses the foul line to go talk to his coach. Would this be considered a visit.
Is this 'kid' a player other than the Pitcher ? - Not a visit
Does he talk to the Pitcher after he talks to the coach ? - Yes, a visit
Is he the Pitcher ? - Yes, a visit
Originally Posted by gruberted
2. When a player is hit by the ball, is it an immediate dead ball and runners go back to their bases?
Only if the player is a member of the Offensive (batting) team, and it was a
batted ball. Other rules will govern, depending on which Offensive player was hit.
Originally Posted by gruberted
A coach problem.
I was wondering what you would do in this situation.
A coach has been complaining about the strike zone throughout the whole game. So one pitch is well off the plate and I call it a ball. He immediatly goes "call the game fair" so in return I say "that's enough coach". So he immediately walks toward me but his son holds him back (another coach on the team). I ignored him completely and continued the game in which he simmered down a tad.
The next week I had the same exact coach still complaining about the strike zone throwing his arms in the air on where that pitch is and what is a strike, in which I said in the beginning of the game, strike zone is big have the kids swing the bats not many walks today. I called anything that was close but he was complaining about pitches that were hitting the plate and so on and so forth. So again I took off my mask and told him that was outside. He continued to complain to his other coaches. Where do you draw the line to toss this coach as I may have him again later this week.
A coach, that is worth keeping around, will ask his catcher about your zone, before they start to bark at you. In any case, give an early warning, and a quick ejection if it continues, or it will continue throughout the season. If you have lots of different coaches consistently complaining, ask a fellow umpire to evaluate your Zone, but don't tell the coaches. Just keep ejecting them.
Originally Posted by gruberted
Finally, when coaches don't have the catchers ready or don't even use the speed up rule and they wait until the pitcher has thrown warm up pitches are you allowed to give a delay of game warning for the team. (This league is quite bad with no urgency to hussle, which I blame the coaches for, and the kids take one shin guard 5 minutes to put on. One of my fellow umpires issued a warning and said next time you will start with an out in your half inning. Is that correct?
Every league has a rule about how many warm-up pitches / time between innings the defense has to get ready. The first time it happens, ask the coach to send someone out to warm up the pitcher, while the catcher gets dressed. Count the pitches thrown to 'temp' catcher. If you don't get any cooperation from the coach, wait the amount of time in rules, put the batter in the box, tell the pitcher to pitch, and start issuing a Ball to the batter every 5 seconds until the catcher shows up. You will only have to do this once in your career.