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Old Fri Jan 04, 2002, 01:23am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
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Unhappy Give me a break

Originally posted by Spaman_29
1. 27
2. 11 Years
3. Junior College

Hey just a quick comment on those people who are so critical of not using the college mechanics. They are usually the ones who either can't get hired onto the college level or were fired because they couldn't handle it. Do your best to call at the level you are on. Rarely do I raise my hand on an oob play in a high school game. I usually just point the way we are going. And for those who say, "oh my!" get real! The game is changing get on the band wagon or get off. Because it will soon be changed in high school.
I am so sick of that bullcrap. If it was going to change, it would have already. If you are doing a HS game, do HS mechanics or do not do the game. It is not changing like you think it is. I understand that some things have more to do with style, but do not tell me that crap that things are changing.

I had a D1 Women's official tell me that the Lead signaling 3 point shots was coming to the HS level. Well that is interesting, they already do what the Men's College does, so why is the Women's game so special that they will change to that? Put your ego aside and act like you want to be at the level that you are officiating. I do both HS and College, believe me it is not that difficult to adjust to the level that you are at. If I can do it, so can you.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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