OK, these people are on freakin' national TV! It's ok for the commentators to blast them and talk about their inconsistancies but not those of us in the "brotherhood"? Hogwash! Our local HS board met this past Sunday and we discussed some of the faux pax's there too - was that wrong? We don't discuss errors to make them look bad as much as trying to learn ourselves. I love discussing the minutia of umpiring. Their names are a matter of public record - so be it! I acutally find it comforting to see someone say, "Hey, I know her and she's really a great umpire." It shows me that I'm not the only human doing this game.
I'll tell you what - IF I would ever make it that far, you have my express permission to rip me on this forum and use my name . . . of course that's a BIG "IF".