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Old Mon Jun 05, 2006, 10:16pm
DG DG is offline
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I worked with a very nice guy and excellent umpire this weekend, who I have worked many games with in the past. I had not seen him in awhile and did not have any HS games with him this season. He was asked to work minor league games and dropped his HS schedule to do so. His college assignor essentially abandoned him. He says what the f*ck, I'm 60 years old and will never get this chance again. He is essentially retired and takes games all over, at many levels.

Damn good 60 year old umpire is all I can say. He is working his last few games with the minor league guys coming back because of some scheduling issue and is curious how he will be received. Me too.

He told me he would never cross a picket line, but at none of the games he worked was there a picket line, or even a minor league umpire standing around outside.

What this has to do with Rodney King, I don't know.
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