Originally Posted by smoump
share your stories of obstruction called on a throwback (i.e. pickoff, etc) Sat I had a situation where the catcher after recieving a pitch, threw to second. SS was covering, as soon as I opened up (C), I saw the SS drop his leg to cover the entire bag. He then recieved the throw and tagged the runner. The runner's hands obviously only touched the SS's leg. Since he blocked then caught, I called obs and awarded runner 3rd. Coach yelled that he had never seen that called. I told him that he just did.
If this was a Little League Baseball ruled game, OBS was the correct call. In any other rule set, if in your judgment the throw was not imminent, then you made the correct call also. If the fielder was in the process of receiving the throw when the runner arrived at the base, your judgment of whether F6 had the right to block the base or not would determine how you ruled.
In LL Baseball, there is a new rule which states that a fielder may not block the base without possession of the ball. All other codes allow for being in the immediate act of fielding the ball and blocking the base.