Thread: it's over
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Old Sat Jun 03, 2006, 02:41am
pdxblue pdxblue is offline
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 164
Originally Posted by lorenzeugene
pdx, you don't get it. And don't begin to compare your recent "contribution" on the PCL circuit to be the same, or even similar to those in the Milb ranks. You get on here and taunt these guys, laugh at them, and then dare to blast them for not realizing their own working conditions as being difficult?

You cannot say that you had it the same as these guys. Did you travel 140 days+ on the road out of a bag? Work under conditions that don't involve a fine-system that is "special" for the "replacement" umps to keep them off your ***? Can you live off of the 22-25 bucks a day per diem through airports, hotels, laundromats, restaraunts and similar gratuity-type services? Have to drive 500 miles after your night game just to do it all over again the next series? And the entire time you're battling for the next promotion by being ranked in the top 10-15 per cent at each level?

I am curious here pdx, you speak as if you're in the know here. How many pro guys are you so well associated with that you have the opportunity to offer critiques or feedback? My remaining Amlu contact said he knew of only two-three guys that are all rookies (short-A ball). And since you're not wanting to offer any "sympathy" as you put it, how many of your umpires in your area seem to be crossing in on your back when you decide to take a stand for something you think is right, and fair to your peers?

Another poster here earlier put it best as 90 bucks or bust. I think with all of the Milb guys calling it quits that next spring will see a new batch of ex-pro guys aiming for those spots so coveted by any up-and-coming college ump. Pdx and others might get the chance to tell all about their new relationships with pro-players, yeah, that'll impress an ex-AAA ump.

Please tell us your experiences in dealing with these "pompous" fellows, you, by the way, have been posting here since your day one stating how YOU are now a "replacement" in the PCL AAA League.
So, they have a tough working condition. I used to work for a roofer. Let me tell you, I made a LOT less per month doing that than umpires in Pro ball make. I DON'T feel sorry for them in the least! It is hardly considered "work" when compared to other work.

Most amature umpires will state "I won't umpire for free, but I don't do it for the money". THAT is dedication to the "profession" of umpiring.

One distinction we should make is that when I "stand for something", I don't quit doing my job while I go through the channels to say what I want to "higher ups" to hear. Generally, if I have a pretty strong case, and am persuasive, I might get a bit of what I am after. But, it isn't like guys doing high school and college ball don't have their own money gripes! But, I can't remember the whole of us EVER going on strike because the money is crummy!

The "fine based system" ONLY went as far as talking to the press. I didn't see managers EVER holding back on coming out on an ump in the games I did. So, whatever. Time and time again I heard from players and 1st base coaches about how they sort of liked us better because were at least "approachable" concerning calls. Maybe the AMLU guys can learn something from that. Doubtful, but we can hope!