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Old Wed May 31, 2006, 06:18pm
Clint Lawson Clint Lawson is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 46
Originally Posted by Clint Lawson

I believe catcher's interference should be called in the situation here. This year I had a catcher that was not setting up properly in his box. I did warn him a couple of times he was too far out. He set up so far outside the one time that both his feet were in the left hand batters box. As the pitcher started to deliver his pitch, I called balk, pointed at the pitcher, and moved each runner up a base.

I am just telling you how Jim and Harry teach it. The so called catcher balk is just for scoring in the rule 7.07. But you can inforce it any way you would like. I was inforce incorrectly in the big league a couple of years ago but they fixed that pretty quick.

Clint Lawson
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