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Old Wed May 31, 2006, 12:10pm
BlitzkriegBob BlitzkriegBob is offline
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Originally Posted by tcblue13
Since the suspension was based on an ivestigation by their state association, there must have been more to support it than just a disgruntled coach's claim.
Actually, the investigation was done by Tim Robison, the AD of the offending team. A little further down in the article you can read...

"Because the umpires did not eject anyone, it's up to the school administrators to decide what action to take," said Searcy, who oversees softball for the IHSAA.

And Mike is probably right (as usual) about the umpire possibly not even submitting a report about the incident. I umpire IHSAA and we are only required to submit an Unsportsmanlike Conduct Report of explanation concerning:
1. Any student-athlete or coach who is ejected from the contest and the reason.
2. Any coach who displays unsportsmanlike conduct requiring the assessment of a penalty.
I'll probably get to see Julie Johnson sometime this summer and I hope I remember to ask her about this incident.
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