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Old Wed May 31, 2006, 11:40am
tcblue13 tcblue13 is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Maybe so, but I'm referring to those questioning why the participants were not ejected by the umpire.

Could it be that the umpire may be a weak on the authoritive side? Maybe, but none of us were there and don't know that. There was no indication that the "investigation" included what the umpire thought at the time of the incident. For as much as we KNOW, the umpire may not have even submitted a report on the issue.
I can't imagine that the state association would investigate and not speak to the umpires but it is possible. My point is that the investigation must have determined some kind of intent by F1, and F2 in order to mete out punishment. BTW I can be weak on the authoritative side also, (just ask my assistant )

Maybe the BU not calling anything gives credence to your point. He should have seen the pitch arrive at home. If nothing looked fishy to him, why call anything?
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