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Old Tue May 30, 2006, 12:44pm
Justme Justme is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 477
Originally Posted by tcblue13
I know that I did not just read that a two inning suspension is an appropriate penalty for this.

So they can't paly the last two innings of game that they are losing 6-0. These players should be removed from the team, their letters should be withheld and they should be prohibited from talking to college recruiters on school property. A disciplinary letter should also be a part of their permanent record. They should get some time off from school.

The coach should be fired.
Criminal charges should be considered against all three people and the PU is probably entitled to rather large legal settlement.

BTW Where is BU when this happens? Why no ejections?
Criminal charges? Large legal settlement?

Let's really get excited.....

(1) Kick this brutal offender out of school.
(2) Have the player and coach arrested for assault.
(3) Fire the coach.
(4) Never let the player play any state sport.
(5) Sue the player's family, the coach, the AD, the school, the school board, and the state athletic association....did I miss anyone? In the suit not only ask for physical damages but also emotional damages. Since the school has had problems in the past force the school to cancel all sports.
(6) Sue me too because I came up with this stupid list
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