Getting back to the topic...
Sorry about bringing this back to the original post.
Was working a LL game a couple of years ago. I was BU & was in C. Hit to shallow center. R1 on 3 breaks for home. F2 about 4 feet right & slightly back of HP. R1 crosses HP & then flattens F2. Partner dumps R1 then all hell breaks loose between coaches on both sides. I should add here that my partner and I are both bouncers for concerts and such. We get between the coaches and start breaking things up. When all said and done between us we had dumped 5 coaches and the kid that sarted it all.
When it was time to play ball again I said to the pitcher "You Ready?" Pitcher kid who had been playing catch the whole time simply said "Yea Blue, we were just waiting for you to get everyone out of the way." I about fell over!
Classic case of get the coaches out of the way so the kids can play & have fun!