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Old Sun May 28, 2006, 11:30am
TussAgee11 TussAgee11 is offline
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I'm pretty much with the JM on this one.

Eject the manager. Nip it in the bud. Don't let it get to the point it did.

But things happen, so....

Call the assistant coach over. Tell him... "I know exactly what is going on, and if it happens again, you'll be ejected as well. If the manager tries anything more, the game is being halted and the TD is going to remove him from the premises."

If it happens, bye bye to assistant coach (if he was an acting agent, I'm not tossing the coach if the manager is just yelling from the parking lot or whatever). But if players are running out there, ha.

Then we have two coaches in the parking lot and we play again. Not forfeiting until THEY are the only people doing harm. And even then, I'm more inclined to just hand it to the TD. Forfiets should be aboided at all cost because a) I look bad because I couldn't control the game (even if I did everything right) and b) Especially in youth baseball, I'm not going to have a pissing contest between a coach to see who can top who.
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