Thread: Civility
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Old Fri May 26, 2006, 07:47pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by BigUmp56

I have to say that I was impressed by your last post. It was probably the most concise and meaningful post I've seen you write. You're absolutely right, in that it's very much about simple respect. I don't care if they like it or not, but there has to be a certain amount of accountibility when information is imparted incorrectly by certain individuals. What sets the more prominent members of this board apart from a very select narrow minded individuals is their ability to accept a measure of accountibilty for the information they impart. I respect, and think most of us resect, a man who is willing to say he make a mistake. We have a few that I believe argue for the sake of arguing. These individuals could care less whether or not we respect them, and in turn afford no one else any respect.

I also hear a lot of this "admit a mistake" stuff from you and others. How are you going to make a mistake on an opinion? I think opinions are the essence of this place. Even when we talk about many rules there are interpretations that are given and vary by whom you work for and where you live. I know just where I live and what part of the state you are in there are many philosophies that vary. Tip O'Neill used to say, "Politics is local." Officiating is the same way. And when we talk about things often it is not going to resonate with everyone when we all have very different experiences. Having met and worked with officials from many surrounding states, it is very common that we all do not share the same attitudes and expectations in our officiating. I remember conversations here about keeping players in the batter's box brought many points of views and experiences and all were not the same.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)