While I have never been assaulted as an official, I have witnessed a couple of very uncomfortable situations. The first was when my partner was chased to his car by an irate player who felt he was done wrong on an out call at the plate to end the game. He (the player) was reported and suspended for the remainder of the season. This was in men's fast pitch softball about twenty years ago. I was the plate umpire in a situation which can only be described as a "church league softball fistfight." I stood with my back to the backstop and watched as both teams duked it out. What would Jesus do? Lord, he wouldn't do that! Like the high hard one on the oh and two. After reports were written and submitted, I heard that both teams were ejected from the league and some players were suspended for life. I do remember one player laying on the ground and being kicked in the head. No one came near me but I had my mask in my right hand and would not have hesitated to use it. It truly was a horrible night.