Originally Posted by Az.Ump
Can’t say that I disagree. This is a fairly new substitution rule. Before it was like all others where the players were always tied to the one batting slot unless injuries caused reentry of a player. L.L. offers the option of CBO but has never mandated it. Under the old substitution rules you often got a split between the starters and subs of either 2 and 4 innings or 3 and 3. This rule allows a 12 player roster to get the majority of the players 4 innings in a full 6 inning game. If the manager subs in the top of the third, the starters who came out can be eligible to reenter in the 5th and if put in for other starters who have stayed in the game rather than the subs who came in during the 3rd, then no player would have played less than 4 innings. Convoluted to say the least. It requires the umpire to check with the scorer to verify that the starter's sub has completed their MPR prior to allowing reentry. In some locations during the all-star tournament they remove the responsibility of changes from the umpire and require all changes to go through the official score keeper.
OK, so my super-fast granddaughter can be the leadoff batter for her team; then if not coming to bat in the next inning can be replaced by a sub; and then after the sub completes MPR; she can run for whichever slow runner gets on base.