I think there are different ways to "work the officials." I can tell you that constantly chipping "common, ya gotta call that!" "He's alloverem," etc., will not get you more calls from experienced officials.
I will give short responses when appropriate (rules not judgment calls), but I tend to tune the chipping out unless the coach gets personal or unsportsmanlike, then I will respond with a "T". Arguing calls with an official is like a bowling ball, it's pointless. How many times have you seen one of the "howlermonkeys" actually get an official to change a call? I hope the answer is NEVER.
A coach who COACHES his/her team gets a lot more respect from me than a coach who wants to ride the officials. For example, after a call against one of their players this coach will explain to the player what they did wrong. "Move your feet!" "Don't reach" "You need to be set on that screen." If they disagree with a call they simply tell their player "That's alright, we'll get the next one."
OK, so then I woke up and realized "Hey!, I don't know any coaches like this!"