Sal, you are better than that!
If SoCal and BA are who they say they are then, they know who is working where. I understand your frustration, but there is no reason to single out 2 guys when there is at least 20. If SoCal and BA don't believe you, then fine, but they should already know which guys are working playoffs at the HS, JC, conference championship level.
Sal, if you supported the guys because you thought they were all going to support you then do what you have to do. Like every one of us, you just have to make a decision that you can live with. Like I said in our email, good luck with the rest of your season and this summer.
Left Coast, if you are going to to name people and not just give us your opinion then please give us your's so we know where the credit can go.
Last edited by Durham; Mon May 22, 2006 at 10:45am.