[QUOTE=gulf breeze]
Originally Posted by SAump
Ok, the batter released the bat and hit the catcher.
How many outs, what inning, and did the coach discuss the matter with PU?
How did this play have an impact on the final s..this isnt a friggin round table forum jerk off what does the rool book say about the infracton...whatever..thats whay blues are hated around the globe..
Batter is out for interference. If it is the third out then the runs are wiped out too because the runs had not crossed the plate at the time the out occurred.
The batter is ejected if there was malicious contact. The batter is DQ from the rest of the tourney as a result of the ejection.
Your personal comments were not warranted, you may acompany the batter to the parking lot.
Now, had you been more willing to discuss the situation like a REAL man, then the batter may have gotten away with a warning depending on the league rules. Tourney rules are different.
After reading your comments about BLUES (me), I say YOU GOT what YOU DESERVE.