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Old Fri May 19, 2006, 07:38pm
SAump SAump is offline
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Question Legal Suits ?

Originally Posted by socalblue1
The end result could go a number of directions IMO, the most likely outcome would be:

1. Short season leagues will use a pool of umpires supplied by PBUC. These will be school grads and a secondary pool of local umpires so that all games can be covered with limited travel.

2. Long A / AA are, I think, the big question marks. IMO it would depend on what MiLB allows the individual leagues to do in regard to umpiring (Must use PBUC or ???).

2. AAA umpires are managed by MLB. I don't see this changing much, though I could see PCL & IL going back to a small pool of 'staff umpires' on a regional basis to cover the slots not filled by MLB up/down umpires.

I can see three scenerios:

1. AMLU, through pressure from MLB & MiLB teams/leagues, is able to win a decent contract.

2. MiLB holds out. Goes back to the pre-PBUC days where each league supplies it's own umpires via a mix of PBUC (UDP) grads and 'staff umpires'.

3. MLB steps in and takes over all umpire development. IMO this makes the most sense, though it the least likely to happen. MLB got rid of UDP & umpire development & may not be willing to take it back (Of course MiLB would love it - no expenses).
Good post. You state 3 is unlikely and I agree. That leaves 1 or 2 left. The AMLU leadership will have a very good LAW suit if 2 is selected. No one has talked about it, but after the last fiasco, some of the MLB UMPS were paid settlements after a very expensive lawsuit. Ritchie Phillips is still awaiting for his JUDGMENT DAY to run its course. Would alternative 1 not be cheaper for PBUC? I don't think PBUC has the CASH MLB had to pay a major settlement case. Not when a few extra 100 thousand dollars avoids all the legal questions.
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