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Old Fri May 19, 2006, 01:07pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by REFVA

I don't believe that my tone was out of line. I may have mis-understood your post., and maybe I didn't. Your tone was condensending to all the officials on this thread. I took it that, there was no one on this thread with any creditablility.
You have a right to your opinion. I was raised to say what I mean and mean what I say regardless of how people precieve it. If it upsets you (someone you have never met) gives an opinion, where I am from that says more about the person. I have not said anything that is untrue and this is exactly the same reasons many have told me personally they do not read these boards and why they would never respond. I have had friends and collegues read this board, but the minute they see the type of responses they dismiss the comments or take them for what they are. Some person saying this is the right way but no one at any camp has ever told them to follow such a procedure or the rules based on what is said here and here alone.

Originally Posted by REFVA
You are 100% correct about my claim, about my capability. It's me claiming what level I can do. I would have not commented at all until I saw the post by you that Stated ""No one here has much credibility in their world of officiating. I ask again, How do you know? Becuase they don't use their real name.
Are you telling me that "REFVA" is your real name?

Originally Posted by REFVA
So I don't have my real name, If I told you I was Bennie Adams, would you believe me, probably not. You woukld ask yourself, why would Bennie be here on this thread, no I'm not Bennie Adams. SO I put my username as "REFVA" that tells you what state I live in. As the one comment that made a whole lot of sense was " you are judge by your performance on the court". We all do. This thread enables all of us whether experienced or not to be able to voice their commenst and be able to learn something in the process. Who care's what my real names is If you want to know send me a private message and I'll tell you.

My IMO...
I think you have missed the point. This is not about you or me and what we have done in our officiating lives. The bottom line is the general officiating public do not work with, go to camps with or are trained by those that come to this board. Just about all the officials I have the utmost respect and have worked with have never once come here and posted a single thread on this or any internet site. It is not there thing to do and I have had them dismiss this site and others based on "You do not know who you are talking to."

I would love to think that I have a vast influence on those that read this board and everything I say has a huge significance on what people do when they officiating. The reality is I am some guy from Illinois that most will never meet or come in direct contact with. Until others see me work or deal with me directly in officiating, what I say and what others say is only going to go so far. It is obvious you hang on the word of everyone that posts here, I do not and most officials I know do not either. If that was the case they would come here instead of going to camps.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)