Hey refnrev,
I'm one of these guys who learns by mixing experience with study, so please bear with my endless questions.
So what exactly was the sequence? You told both teams to "tone it down" but they kept playing rough anyway? How were they playing each other (holding, pushing, charging, what....)
What were the cautions for? Unsporting behavior, dissent ....
Did the cautions happen shortly after? Did you use the cautions to send a message (that you're not goint to put up with any more)? Is that an effective stratagy for game management?
Did it work? Did the kids get back to soccer?
I think of some games I've had and asked myself if I should have issued a caution at a point in time, and if that would have helped the situation. I think I've only given 4 in the last year.
Please don't underestimate the value of your information, it really helps me gage if I am on track or not. Thanks for all your help.