Originally Posted by BigUmp56
If the advancement potential is going to be limited to 5 years or more, do you think that MiLB will start cleaning house in one or two years to bring other umpires up to AAA?
I don't know what's going to happen with that. There's still a possiblity that AAA will be handled by Regional Assignors just like the other leagues. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. I wonder how this will effect the umpiring schools - maybe MiLB will require that anyone who works MiLB must have attended one of the schools. I guess there just won't be that competition to see who gets a job since once you complete the course, you will have to try and get games as an independent contractor through the Regional Assignors. Again, this is all speculation - I'm just giving my opinion on how this whole thing will end up.