SAump, you're funny. The abstract you provided proves nothing. In fact, I could see it working against you more than for you. The premise has nothing to do with this discussion, as the physics problem it observes isn't relevant.
If anything, the article shows that people observe things with their minds biased eye. So if I see a fastball rise, it must be true, even if it couteracts the laws of physics.
Originally Posted by SAump
Oberle CD, McBeath MK, Madigan SC, Sugar TG.
Department of Psychology, Arizona State University, Box 871104, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA. [email protected]
This research introduces a new naive physics belief, the Galileo bias, whereby people ignore air resistance and falsely believe that all objects fall at the same rate. Survey results revealed that this bias is held by many and is surprisingly strongest for those with formal physics instruction.
Haven't I witnessed this all along?