Thread: Rising fastball
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Old Sat May 13, 2006, 11:08am
SAump SAump is offline
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Smile Callously release under hand

Originally Posted by nickrego
Not being a softball person, I'd really be interested in how you throw a softball underhand, with any velocity, and get backspin on it, as with an overhand thrown fastball. If you did, it would work against making the ball rise, but since the ball is being thrown in a upward direction from the start, the spin is overcome by inertia. And a rising Softball is not the same thing as a rising Fastball, which is thrown downward, and then rises.
Release the softball under hand and snap the wrist/hand upward to allow the ball to travel upward along the fingers imparting an UPward spin from the front of the ball toward the back of the ball as it is traveling toward the hitter. Softballs have been clocked on radar in the lower seventies.

Grip the baseball along all four seams and snap the wrist downward to allow the ball to travel upward along the fingers imparting an UPward spin from the front of the ball toward the back of the ball as it is traveling toward the hitter. Baseballs have been clocked on radar in the very low hundreds.

Like guitar players, A MLB grip often results in soreness on the ends of the finger and/or the growth of callus. If you have never thrown a baseball which resulted in the growth of callus on the fingertips, then you cannot imagine what the release of a RISING fastball must feel like.
callous or callus? Do not confuse the spelling of callous and callus, which sound similar. Callous is an adjective meaning "insensitive or unfeeling," as in a callous remark. Callus is a noun that usually denotes a patch of thickened skin on the hand or foot.