Originally Posted by LMan
Hey, Im not fussing. Im just amazed.
Here its kinda a blend of what you describe. No (official) umps, but the kidz at least start in the proper positions (before they all chase after the ball  ) and the basics are taught. Umping is done by coaches or parents, and no one gets too uptight about the outcome.
Well, what you have is a lot better that what the "youth league" has here. But I would still prefer to have an official umpire rather than parents or coaches making judgment calls or rulings. I know the purpose of the youth league is to have very little via competition and I do understand to some extent because they are only 5 and 6 year old kids. But I think their whole premise is wrong. .... They must reason... if the game is set up where competition is almost non existent, then coaches or fans won't ever go over the top at a T-ball game, and maybe a child's feelings won't be hurt. But IMO that's a game where it's more of a practice than a game. Some think no score should be kept at all at this level...not me! But, don't get me wrong I don't think the coaches, parents, etc. should want to win so much that they lose their head and become bad examples to the kids. As the season goes on I hear more and more of the kids asking me who's winning. I don't think that's a bad thing even at this age. I usually say "it's a good game and we won't know till it's over", but if your team doesn't win this one you'll just have to try to get them next time. ...Thanks, ...Al