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Old Tue May 09, 2006, 01:45pm
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally Posted by Texas Aggie
But the rule doesn't exempt the defender in that scenario, thus a T would be proper even under your reading. Read the rule again. It says, "intentional or flagrant contact foule while the ball is dead, except a foul by an airborne shooter," not "by or on an aiborne shooter" as article 1 reads.

Again, I don't believe the committee intented to 1) make a distinction between intentional or flagrant contact on or against an AS and 2) insert the last phrase in 4-19-5-c to exempt dead ball intentional or flagrant contact from being a T under that condition, but rather to make it clear that contact against an AS was to be ignored unless intentional or flagrant.
I disagree.

I also give up.
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