Originally Posted by Ref_ Fred
Asking to not officiate with him again, is just pushing the problem on someone else and not dealing with him. remember when on the court you are a team. If he screws up, you both screw up. So deal with it right then and there. He'll see how much of an unprofessional person he is. Although you have to do it with professionalism.
Fred, didya ever think that BITS' assignor might not really want BITS to deal personally with the guy? The guy
is the assignor's problem, not BITS'.
Problems like this are the assignor's problem imo. He has to know what's going on, and then it's up to him to deal with the guy. There's a good chance that the assignor may already know what's going on; most assignors aren't that disconnected from the people that they're using. The assignor may need this goofus as a body just to fill out game assignments in these summer AAU-type tournaments, but doesn't really have any plans at all to use him in any meaningful games.
I think that BITS probably handled it the best way for a summer situation. Get in, get done and get out. However, I think that the assignor should still get notified.
In a regular season game however, there's nowayinhell that he's gonna practise his shooting during TO's- I'd break his wrists first.