Originally Posted by LilLeaguer
OBR 9.04 (c) seems to indicate that the umpire in chief (or other umpire as designated by the league) can, in the case of a disputed call, over rule the original call.
I don't know what code the OP was under, and I suspect that BU wasn't the league-designated umpire, so I doubt if this rule applies in that sitch.
(Usually a rat doesn't get this much attention, but in that spirit ...) Coach, if the game was under OBR, the appropriate rules to cite in the appeal were 9.04 (a) and 9.05 (b), which clearly give the priority on a play at HP to PU.
9.04(c) does
not give the UIC the authority to over rule another umpire. The rule is in place so that should a situation arise where opposite calls are made by two umpires, the UIC can get the crew together and confer. Then, he is to act as an arbiter to make the final decision if there is still a dispute among the crew. In other words he's the tie breaker.