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Old Sat May 06, 2006, 10:56pm
zebraman zebraman is offline
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If the player is in the scorebook, it doesn't matter when they show up. They can play with no penalty.

An intentional personal foul is a live ball foul. You need to read the intentional foul section in the NFHS rule book because there is more to it than a foul that is "on purpose." The offended team gets two foul shots plus a throw-in at the spot nearest the foul.

A flagrant foul is any foul that warrants an ejection from the game. It can be personal (live ball) or technical (dead ball) and the player is ejected from the game (to the bench under the supervision of the coach). Two free throws plus a throw-in. Throw-in at the spot nearest the foul if personal. Throw-in at halfcourt if technical.

Read rule 4-19 (foul). There is just too much to type to explain it all. It will make more sense to you when you read that rule.

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