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Old Fri May 05, 2006, 03:37pm
Tim C Tim C is offline
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Nick, Nick, Nick . . .

You should slow down and READ what is written it might help.

No where have I said a traditional mask is better (or worse) than the old HSM.

I simply correctly commented that a mask worn correctly works like an F1 racer at crash time and disapates energy.

IF your mask is "hanging loosely" as design dictates EVEN A DIRECT SHOT will place less energy transferred to your noggin'. The mask "may" spin or "pop off" but you seldom feel the energy of the ball.

Nick you have been the strongest proponet of the HSM for a few years. I understand that and give you the credit (I believe you once said you'd be surprised if the NFHS did not demand umpires wear the HSM eventually -- and I won't go against that as within five years ALL DEFNSIVE players will required to wear helmet with face masks).

The bigger issue is will we be able to buy traditional masks as the general market decreases in use.

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